Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The best duos in the NBA today

Sprite slam dunk champion Blake Griffin and 8th leading scorer Eric Gordon. Young and talented. These two have great futures ahead of them. Griffin has one of the best dunking abilities, I can even say from what I've seen better than Dwight's and Eric Gordon, the fact that he's the 8th leading scorer just means this kid can shoot, and well. Both can put up 20-plus points each every night.
 Probably the most known duo on my list of best duo. Two veterans,two excellent shooters,two great decision makers,two players past their prime. Jason Kidd and Dirk Nowitzki are probably the two most deserving players in the league to become champions right now (aside from Nash). The two have appeared in the finals but fell short to two of the premier shooting guards in the league today, Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade. I hate to say it, but I don't think  Kidd or Dirk will ever win a title.
 Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook. The duo averages around 50 points a game alone, just the two of them. Durant is the youngest scoring champion in NBA history and is still going strong, while Russell Westbrook is a spitfire. He is just so fast and strong for his size.
Stephen Curry and Monta Ellis. The fastest duo in the NBA, not probably but the fastest. Ellis plays the two but is naturally at point but with Curry along he's forced to play the 2, but that doesn't really slow him down. Monta Ellis is still one of the league's top scorers and is a fantastic finisher. Curry, an excellent passer and handles the ball really well. It's just a shame that with all the young talent Golden State have, they aren't a better team even with 2010 All-star David Lee.

Finally. My favorite NBA duo. Derrick Rose and Carlos Boozer. Rose potential MVP and Boozer former All-star and NBA vet. This duo is a classic example of the traditional two-some, the duo of the point guard and power forward. Rose and Boozer are both great scorers averaging 44 points for the Bulls and both excellent defenders as well. Because of Rose and Boozer the bulls are now one of the most dangerous teams in the NBA and 3rd in the East.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wishes do come true

Carmelo Anthony is officially a part of the New York Knick's roster, and will hopefully stay there. In my last blog I spoke about Danilo Gallinari about being underrated and all, and I still believe he is, too bad he won't be playing with Carmelo for the rest of the season and so will Raymond Felton. But it's all good because although they lost a good Point Guard, they also acquired one in former All-star Chauncey Billups.
New York gave up Wilson Chandler, Felton, Gallinari, Mozgov, a first round draft pick and 3 million dollars but Denver gave up Chauncey, Carmelo, Renaldo Balkman, Anthony Carter and Sheldon Williams. Well atleast that's what my source tells me.
Moving on. Now that Amar'e and Anthony are on the same side, what does it mean for the Denver Nuggets? I really can't say but for now I'm sure they'll have enough cash room for another big hitter. Chris Paul, Deron Williams or Dwight Howard may enter free agency after this season but even then New York will still have enough dough to sign another star to their roster. Am I sensing another "Big Three" on the rise. We can only hope

Who is the most underrated player in the league?

Danilo Gallinari. Maybe it's beacause I like playing him on NBA 2K11 or maybe it's how much he offers to the Knicks each game. The Knicks forward averages 15 points and 4 rebounds, not All-star level but it certainly helps the Knicks. His depth and range prove useful in games when the Knicks are down or just when they  need an extremely talented scorer. He's 6'10, can shoot anywhere and can slam it down if he wants and yet, no one seems to remember his name.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Not exactly major..

Ron Artest endorses Nik.. I mean Peak. Wait, Peak? Yes, Los Angeles Laker forward Ron Artest endorses Peak Shoes. A China based brand that manufactures athletic shoes. Do they endorse other NBA stars? They have former Laker Sasha Vujacic and Maverick Jason Kidd but that's basically all I know. But there is a brighter side to this blog. A pair of these shoes would cost less than 50$. Yes, Believe it. And these shoes are actually comfortable. I'm not ashamed to admit I own a pair. These shoes are perfect when your on a budget or when you don't want to get your Nikes or Adidas ruined or something.

Partys Over

The All-star weekend comes to a close. John Wall takes MVP honors of the rookie game. Team Portland guns down LA, Texas and Chicago. Steph Curry blazes through the Skills Challenge. James Jones demonstrated why the Heat are the 3rd best shooting team. Blake Griffin,well, was being Blake Griffin and jumped over the hood of a car. The Western All-stars clinched a win over the East with Kobe Bryant going home with the MVP trophy.
 But now that it's all said and done. It's time to get back to business, and what I mean is the "W". With the trade deadline around the corner I hope my dreams come true and see Carmelo Anthony in a Knicks jersey. It'll be interesting to see how the teams perform after the All-star break. Will the Lakers get back to their wiining ways? Will the Spurs slow down? Will Boston make deals to acquire younger players? Where will Anthony end up in? All we can do is hope our dream transactions come true.

This weeks now and then.. Grant Hill

I've decided that every week I will pick an aging superstar and discuss his before and now state as a player. This week I have decided to talk about Grant Hill. Currently a forward for the Phoenix Suns. Before he was plagued with injury Hill was labeled "the next Jordan". Hard to believe now, isn't it? To all the young fans out there Grant Hill was one of the best players and would've been if it weren't for his injuries. He posted a career-high of 55 points back in 1997 and ironically it was against Phoenix. He averaged 25 points in the 99-00 season, back when he stilled played for Detroit. Now he averages but 13, almost half of what he made. It started at the 2000-2001 season. The season we saw Grant Hill play only 4 games, and injury kept biting Hill in the ass for seasons to come. Now the label "next Jordan' is but a memory of Grant Hill. It's sad to see such talent go to waste but hell, at least we still got Kobe.

The Era of the Point Guards

The NBA in this day and age strives on the Point Guard position. With young and talented floor generals getting drafted every year it's no surprise. Derrick Rose for example, potential MVP candidiate. He's one of those rare scoring-type point guards and he's quick. I mean freakishly quick. The guy averages 24 points a game. Rajon Rondo on the other hand is more of a traditional passing-type point guard, averaging 12 dimes a game. He and steve nash both have the deepest court vision in the league today. Tyreke Evans and Monta Ellis both lead there respective teams in scoring. Ellis' team mate Steph Curry is also a very talented point guard. Brandon Jennings, in his rookie year he posted a career high of 55 points in a game. John Wall, drafted first overall pick by the Washington Wizards in the 2010 NBA draft has been averaging 15 points a game and 9 assists. Moving on to the older 1's in the league.  Steve Nash, at age 37 he still proves to be the main man and leader of the Phoenix Suns. I don't know where they'd be if he wasn't averaging 16 and 11. The two-time MVP is the best passer I've seen in a long time. All in all, if I were asked who the best Point this generation would be, only one name pops in my mind. Derrick Rose. What doesn't he do? He scores, he can pass, he's an excellent defender and he's a fantastic decision maker. From Magic and Isiah to AI,  Kidd and Nash to Chris Paul, Rondo and Rose. Yeah, Sounds right to me.
